The hope of Spring is pulling me through

A few things I was delighted by this week.

  1. Stephen King & John Grisham. A match made in popular fiction heaven. Who would have thought I would enjoy a conversation so much as a horror writer and a law writer. I came across this conversation while bounding down the YouTube rabbit trail. King is funny and animated. Grisham is dry and wry. They mostly swap stories like the veterans of “back then” that they are. I like old timers because they have nothing to lose and they’re not precious. Entertaining, insightful and very inspiring, a fun watch.

  2. Also, watch Stephen King & George RR Martin in conversation. Besides King being very funny, Martin’s laugh is worth the listen.

  3. A Real Pain is a real delight.

  4. Kieran Culkin’s Best Supprorting Actor acceptance speech for this movie is also delightful.

  5. “By Creativity, I simply mean new ways of thinking about things.”I read John Cleese’s book on creativity in one short sitting. He defines creativity as a way of thinking about life no matter the profession. A study was done by Donald MacKinnon in the 1960s, a psychologist, who became fascinated by creativity among people like engineers and journalists. He asked a number of “creative” architects to describe their day from rising until bed. He then asked the same to uncreative architects. There were only two differences. First, creative architects knew how to play. “Play” meaning the ability to get enjoyably absorbed in a puzzle. Second, they always deferred making a decision for as long as they were allowed. Most of us do not like to live in the discomfort of the vague or unknown. But that is where most of the interesting, mysterious, inventive answers lie. I won’t say more, because I have too much to say. Read it.

  6. The book A.J. Brown* was reading on the sidelines. A friend of mine kept talking about how life changing this book is and I listened to it in less than a week and started it over immediately. If you read about my Damascus road experience reading The Artist’s Way, then Inner Excellence is a different class in the same course. A few of my favorite quotes.

    "The real test of courage is not to die, but to truly live.”

    "Every thought and image in your mind has a consequence."- (Correlates with a favorite quote by Robert Louis Stevenson “Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.”)

    "Knowledge is limited, but imagination encircles the world."

    *Eagles star receiver

That’s all for now, folks. Thanks for tuning in.



Amelia Schmid