Heat Index Warnings + River Access + No River Traffic = Optimal Dog Days
“It was not summer until Baxter had spent a whole day in the river. Summer could officially begin. He sighed. He had that drenched, sleepy pleasure kind-of-feeling, like when he was a young pup. The sun reminded him on days like today that simple pleasures had no price tag. He made a mental note to put ‘Water Activities’ on his to-do list for the rest of the season.
It’s easy to complain about the weather. It’s hard to appreciate the outdoors when it feels like God is baking something and left the oven door open. It’s easy to let comfortable habits settle in. It’s hard to forget how extravagant river access is. Of all the things I love about Virginia, rivers in summertime float to the top of my list. Dive in, my friends. But, safely. Maybe scoot in. But make sure to get in.