May in Review
“We wanted to bring some of the modern wilderness vibe we’ve seen in places like Washington & New Zealand.”
This month I interviewed Josh & Heather, who own Roaring Run Cabins just outside of Shenandoah. Look for their At Home in June.
Do you live in Harrisonburg and want free trees? Harrisonburg City is actively seeking to reforest our urban areas and that includes your yard! Fill out their questionnaire online, they will come to your home, have a city arborist check out what is possible (native trees only), and you submit a formal application. Super cool and they want you!
The Creative Act: A Way of Being - Rick Rubin *Warning* - Musing with Millie ahead
I picked this up at Barnes and Noble. I’m only a few chapters in but here’s a few things that resonated with me.
Everyone is creative. It’s fundamental, our birthright, and it’s for all of us.
It’s the practice of paying attention.
My summary: it pays to give a damn. I wish I had known earlier what I know now; to care is to love. To care is to create. It also makes life a whole lot easier. Kind of like an object at rest stays at rest, an object in motion stays in motion, to pay attention will beg being paid attention to. Not the wrong kind of attention. The kind that produces beauty out of disorder. And a really good artist is one who inspires others to do the same in their own way. To be creative, as Rubin defines it, is to create something that wasn’t there before.
For example, routine is creative because it restores order. I wish I believed this earlier, but work isn’t a curse, it’s a blessing. Work is creative, no matter what field. And we need something to do. Work is necessary for meaning. Meaning is creative. It gives life to everything else. So, to summarize my summary. Give a damn. Pay attention. Do something about it. Everyone is creative.
Prose Shampoo - I’ve been using this for a few months now, and I think it lives up to the hype. What is the average amount of time you have to see something to acknowledge it? 6 months, I think. It took me more than a few targeted ads, but I do like it.
Storyworth - This also took a few years to get me, but again, it has added value to my life. I bought it for my dad for Father’s Day and two stories in, it’s already worth the money. My dad gets a question a week. I can change and approve the questions before they are sent. A great gift for a recipient who likes to write and equally great for those on the receiving end.
Do you want the list of Amelia Approved Airbnbs? Message me ( or subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of the page. I’m pretty excited about having a local (and semi-local) list I can direct people to!